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Haxby Road News 26.10.18

A message from the Head of School… I can’t believe it is half term already! The children have worked incredibly hard this term and are ready for a well-deserved break. We hope you all have a lovely, relaxing holiday. We have a few staff changes to make you aware of. Miss Scull is...

Haxby Road News 19.10.18

A message from the Head of School… On Thursday we wished Mrs McQuade good luck for her adventure to Shanghai. We can’t wait to hear her stories about how mathematics is taught there and learn from her experience. In assembly this week, we introduced the theme of resilience....

Haxby Road News 12.10.18

A message from the Head of School… World Mental Health Day took place on Wednesday 10th October. In school the children took part in simple activities to improve and maintain their own wellbeing. We explained to the children that mental health is just like physical health....

Haxby Road News 5.10.18

A message from the Head of School… This week the children have all been busy learning about their class ‘street name’. Each class is named after a street in York and as part of our Haxby 100 entitlement all children visit their new street at the start of term. This week Year 4...

Haxby Road News 28.9.18

A message from the Head of School… At Haxby Road we really want all our children to have a positive attitude towards their learning, make good progress and be successful. The staff have been really busy this week helping the children to develop their ‘growth mindset.’ This week I...

EYFS Termly Newsletter

EYFS Termly Newsletter Autumn 2018 We would like to welcome back all our returning families and all our new families. We are looking forward to a very exciting year full of opportunities and experiences for the children! This half term we are all learning about All About Me! Our...

Haxby Road News 21.09.18

A message from the Head of School… The children have been working extremely hard this week and learning all about their author of the term. Year 1 and Year 2 are reading stories by the author Jeanne Willis. They really enjoyed listening to The Bog Baby. It was lovely to see the...
Posted On 24 Sep 2018

Haxby Road News 14.09.18

A message from the Head of School… I can’t believe it is the end of week 2 already! It has been a pleasure to observe all the children across school displaying our key values of TRUST, KINDNESS AND SELFBELIEF. This year we are developing our values further and introducing Growth...
Posted On 20 Sep 2018