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Learning Journeys

Parents are able to access their child’s learning journey through WOW moments shared on Seesaw, which will be shared with photographs!

In addition to viewing our contributions, we encourage you to add to it by uploading photos and comments about your child and their achievements at home.

In the Moment

Here at Haxby Road Primary Academy we have a strong belief that children learn best when allowed to explore their environment and see where their imagination takes them. We follow In the moment planning, taking the children’s ideas and interests to the next level. Highly trained staff that are passionate about enhancing these key moments, will seize every teachable moment, facilitating ideas and modelling language to provide children with outstanding opportunities to learn.

This method of teaching allows staff to get to know children individually, ensuring they can provide opportunities to achieve their next steps. Alongside the ITMP, staff plan  short phonics and maths sessions each day as well as regular Dough Disco, soft play and Forest school sessions. Together the balance of child initiated learning alongside the adult led ensures that all children are able to access the whole Early years curriculum throughout their time with us.

WOW moments will be recorded on Seesaw and shared with parents/carers online. Photos and pieces of evidence will be collected throughout the year and placed in a Learning Journey folder. These can be shared with parents/careers and will be given to families at the end of EYFS.

Experiences and Enrichments

Alongside our exciting curriculum and experiences, we offer extra enrichments to support and enhance your child’s learning.

Forest Schools

We are very fortunate to have a wonderful forest school area.  Children can explore the great outdoors, taking risks and finding a new found confidence in activities such as climbing, balancing, bug hunting, den building, story telling, potion making to name a few.


The children really look forward to their weekly Spanish lesson where through songs and games they are taught to greet each other and say goodbye, their colours, animals, numbers to 10, foods, actions as well as looking at traditional Spanish culture.

Soft Play

Children can put their physical skills into action during our regular soft play sessions. This is a fantastic opportunity for your child to develop their “can do” attitude. We will encourage your child to “have a go” building on their self confidence as well as their physical skills and independence.