Our learning journey
Throughout their time in Reception, WOW moments are recorded by staff and shared with adults via Seesaw. This is a fantastic opportunity to see all the exciting things your child is learning day to day and how they are extending their learning.
We encourage parents and carers to also share learning experiences at home via this same way so that we can see how their learning is progressing at home!
Phonics and Reading
Please find the link attached below to our Information session for phonics and reading for parents.
In Early Years, we begin our reading and writing journey. Children build their foundations for phonics in Tiny Steps and Nursery which means in Reception they are ready to begin learning the sounds for reading and writing.
Reading at home is encouraged through our RED TED scheme, and books are sent electronically to families to read with their child at home. More information can be found in the video.
Experiences and Enrichments
Alongside our exciting curriculum and experiences, we offer extra enrichments to support and enhance your child’s learning.
Forest Schools
During Reception, we explore our Forest School area weekly. This is an area in which the children can learn to take risks and challenge themselves. Children build friendships, confidence and life skills whilst enjoying nature. We explore animals, wildlife and create in a calm and exploratory environment.
We provide waterproof clothing for our children so they can immerse themselves in nature, no matter what the weather!
Once weekly in Reception, children have a twenty minute Spanish lesson, led by our school Spanish Specialist – Mrs Sadullah. The children learn the basics such as introductions, numbers, colours and animals! Our children love Spanish and knowing that they are learning another language. This is also a fantastic opportunity to further develop our speaking and listening skills, both in English and Spanish!
Mr Robinson, our PE Specialist, takes Reception children once weekly to learn new physical skills, such as hand eye coordination, movements and balancing. The children are so lucky to have a multitude of resources to build these skills through fun and exciting games! All children are provided with a PE kit by our school!
Cook School
Once each half term, Reception get to go over to our cook school to bake and create exciting recipes with our very own chef. They cook items linked to their learning in class and get to bring them home to enjoy!
Our school is very lucky to have Mrs McCartney, an academy specialist in music. She teaches our Reception children music once weekly, allowing the children to build their listening skills, musical knowledge and begin to build a love for expressing themselves musically.