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Here are a few of the most common questions parents/carers ask about out school.


How do I apply for a place in Nursery?

Please ring the school office or call into school to receive an admissions pack. A member of the early years will be happy to show you around the early years unit and help answer any of your questions.


Are Tiny Steps and Nursery Places allocated on a ‘first come first served basis’?

No. Tiny Steps places are allocated once a child turns 2. Nursery places are allocated in order of age in the term following the child’s third birthday. There is no need to apply for a place as soon as your child is born.


How do I apply for a place at the school?

All school admissions are dealt with by the local authority.


Can I come and look around the school?

We are happy to show parents/carers and family members around the school, at any time during the year. We also hold an open evening for prospective early years parents and children in the first term. If you would like to visit the school, please ring the office to make an appointment.


Can I take my child on holiday during term time?

In line with the Local Authority guidelines, any requests for leave of absence in term time will be unauthorised (unless in exceptional circumstances)


What do I do if my child is ill?

Please inform the school of any absence before 9 a.m each day that your child is absent. You can do this by phone or by email. If you do not report your child’s absence, you will receive a phone call to determine their whereabouts.


What do I do if my child is late?

School starts at 8.45 am. If you and your child arrive at school after this time, please come straight to the office where you will be asked to sign in.


What should my child wear for PE?

We provide all children with a PE bag and a PE kit. This includes shorts and a t-shirt.


Do the children have an opportunity to go swimming with the school?

Yes, all children have the chance to go swimming in year 3 and year 4.


My child has lost an item of clothing in school, where will I find it?

Each class teacher has a lost property box. We ask that all clothing is clearly marked so that it can be reunited with the correct person. All un-named clothing found will be put in the main entrance foyer for a short period of time, and then even away to charity or the Friends of Haxby Road. We cannot take responsibility for lost property.