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SEND coordinator

The SEND coordinator for Haxby Road is Mrs H Ferguson.

A warm welcome from Mrs Ferguson:

‘As SENCO, I am passionate about using a creative, flexible, family centred approach to help each individual shine! Here at Haxby Road Primary Academy we aim to create personalised learning plans that allow any individual, to not only belong to our family, but also flourish and reach their full potential. If you have any concerns about your child’s development I am here to signpost you to relevant support and I am always here to provide a listening ear so please do not hesitate to get in touch.’

For further information, please call the school office or email

  • Ebor SEN Policy

  • Local Authority Offer – CYC

  • Zones of Regulation

  • Transition

  • SEND in the Curriculum

  • SEN Information Report

  • Contact Us

    If you have any concerns about your child please see the class teacher as the first point of contact.

    You can also contact the SENDCO – Mrs Helena Ferguson via email at
    Or contact Laura Robinson via email at

    If you have any complaints or concerns about the SEND provision in school please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance.

    If you  do not feel your complaint/concern has been resolved by the class teacher, please put your concerns in writing for the attention of the SENDCO (Mrs Ferguson) and the Headteacher (Mrs Robinson) and we will work with you to try to resolve any concern.

    Formal complaints that come into school should be directed to the Headteacher, not the chair of governors.

    See the table below for where complaints should be directed:

    Complaint category First responder

    Stage 1 informal discussion

    Stage 2


    Panel  organised by Ebor
    SEND Teacher SENDCO/HT Exec and LGB

    Please find below a link to the school’s complaint policy

    Complaints Policy


"School provide me with a communication book and I have a point of contact where I can discuss concerns with my SEND children. This reduces my anxiety."