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Class Teacher Mrs McQuade             

A day in the life of Gillygate

Our day starts at 8:50am and once we have done our register and check-in, it’s time for Reading Squad. All children read on a daily basis, not only developing their fluency and comprehension skills but reading a variety of texts for pleasure. We use our chromebooks to access a wide range of texts on Epic reading and we practise our comprehension skills and Phonics using Reading Eggs. We then have our ‘overteach’ session which is when we re-visit aspects of learning which we’ve found tricky and plug gaps which have been identified in our ongoing assessments.

At 9:40 we begin our English lesson which is often based on  our class novel. We explore vocabulary and sentence structure and work towards planning, writing and editing a piece of work. Children use talk partners to discuss their ideas and to develop the important skill of listening to each other. 

After our break at 10:15, we start our Maths lesson. Using Teaching for Mastery,  we ensure challenge for all pupils and underpin our learning with the use of concrete resources and pictorial representations.We build reasoning and problem solving activities into our teaching making links to real-life and other subjects of the curriculum. 

Before our lunch we have time to do some whole class reading  or some PSHE work to support the children to have healthy bodies and minds. Once we have eaten, we enjoy our lunchtime break when we can use the play equipment.

During the afternoon we learn through our whole school topics making links across the curriculum where possible. Wednesday morning is when our specialist Music, PE and Spanish teachers  enrich our learning and we also get the opportunity to go to Cook School each half term.

Seesaw/Google Classroom

We love to showcase our learning on Seesaw and are always so pleased when parents respond and comment. We also set assignments on Google classroom which means that children who need to work remotely are not missing out on their learning.


Finding leaves in the forest for our observational art                                        

Counting in 50s paper chains

Creation Collages

Remembrance Day Poppies

Representing our class novel in words and pictures!

Making Roman bread

Learning our colours in Spanish

Useful apps

Number Gym, TT Rockstars, Mathletics, Reading Eggs, Epic reading, Spellzone, MyMaths