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Haxby School Logo

Class Teacher: Mrs Gilmour

A day in the life of Fishergate

We begin the day at 8.40 with the register and our Restorative Practise check in! 

At 8.50 it is time for Phonics! We learn our sounds through reading, writing and lots of different active games too! Find out more information about Phonics at Haxby Road here. 

Reading Squad is next at 9.20. Every child reads in a small group with an adult every day! 

At 9.30 we begin our English session. We use class books to develop our vocabulary and early writing skills. We use lots of drama skills to support our ideas for writing and spend a lot of time perfecting the basics! During this time we can explore our bespoke indoor and outdoor continuous provision, designed to support the characteristics of effective learning alongside our year 1 objectives. 

10.15 is our morning break time! We have a fresh fruit snack and enjoy games in the fresh air on our lovely playground. 

Our Maths learning takes place between 10.30 and 11.40. We teach through mastery, following small steps of progression to ensure we develop our arithmetic, alongside our problem solving and reasoning skills. 

11.40- 12.30 is lunch time! We are all entitled to a delicious free hot school lunch before stretching our legs on the playground or on our school field if the weather is good! 

In the afternoons we learn through our exciting whole school topics, covering all subject areas! For more information about our current topic, see below!

On Monday afternoon, we have Spanish, PE and Music lessons led by specialist teachers. School provides a PE kit for every child. 


We use the app Seesaw to showcase our children’s fabulous learning and keep in touch with parents at this tricky time! If you need any help accessing the app, we would be happy to assist! In the eventuality that any child needs to self isolate, we will provide all remote learning via the app. 


Our new year 1 areas of provision.

Den Building with new outdoor resources.

Virtual Fire Station Visit.

Virtual visit with Author- Lucy Rycroft

Cook School- Double Chocolate Muffins

Useful websites


Number Gym –

TT Rockstars/Numbots –

Mathletics –

MyMaths –

Reading and Phonics

Reading Eggs –

Teach Your Monster to Read-

Phonics Play-