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In Nursery, we offer a 52 place provision for 3 to 4 years olds to begin their foundations of learning and journey into school. 

Nursery is a very special place full of learning, laughter and friendships where all children are happy, feel safe and valued. We provide the best possible educational provision in a stimulating and creative environment. We pride ourselves on providing a safe, supportive and fun learning environment in which children can explore and discover the world.

We believe that children learn best by direct experience and interactions between people and their environment, through established routines and inspirational activities. We value the strong relationship with our local community and we encourage a positive partnership between children, their home, the provision and the wider community who help us to support the children in our care, to develop into individuals who will lead happy and rewarding lives.

Where to find us?

Nursery is located at the end of our school beside our Reception and Tiny Steps Units. Access is through the EYFS playground and main school office.

The children have access to a wide range of outdoor resources throughout the session which is securely enclosed.

Session Times

Nursery is currently a 52 place provision, which means we can accommodate 26 children aged three and four years at each session. We offer two and a half day sessions. Each child is eligible for 15 hours free sessions in one week. Adults can also apply for 30 hours of free childcare if they are working. Information on this can be found at Our session times are as follows:

Monday and Tuesday: 8:30 am – 3:00 pm | Wednesday: 8:30 – 11:30 am

Or alternatively there is;

Wednesday: 12:30 – 3:00 pm | Thursday: 8:30 am – 3:00 pm | Friday: 8:30 am – 2:00 pm

Our daily steps

We feel it is really important that children have consistent routines every day. This helps to provide the children with comfort and security. When children feel this sense of trust and safety they are free to play, explore and learn. 

8.30 TLC, Special helper, check in

8.40 Child initiated play AOP

9.30 Outdoor is open to freeflow

9.45 Free flow snack is available

10.50 Tidy up time

11.00 Phonics

11.10 Toilet and wash hands

11.20-12.30 Lunch time

12.30 Maths

12.45 Child initiated learning AOP

1.00 Outdoor open to freeflow

2.20 Tidy up

2.30 Dough disco

2.45 Coats, bags, hometime routine

2.50 Story

3.00 Hometime

Meet the team


   Sara Hannington                Heidi Cammidge

The staff build upon what children already know and can do, promote their self-confidence, autonomy, independence and fulfilment. Children have opportunities to play, learn and develop as they experience a range of adult led and child initiated activities.

Staff make regular assessments of children’s learning and development. This information is used to ensure that future planning reflects identified needs. Using individual profiling and tracking, children’s learning is monitored throughout EYFS and school.

We offer children rich experiences in a variety of situations, in learning environments that simulate and invite them to engage holistically and emotionally both indoors and outdoors.

Come for a visit

If you would like to visit our Nursery or Tiny Steps provision, we host a termly open session tour. Please email the office if you would like to book onto this session. The dates are as follows:
26th September @ 3.15pm- 4.15pm
23rd January @ 3.15pm – 4.15pm
14th May @ 3.15pm-4.15pm
This will be an opportunity to see our EYFS provision and ask any questions.