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Early Years is often a child’s first experience around other children and in a school environment. This is also an important time in identifying further needs your child may have. Miss Wilkinson, our Early Years SENCO, and the Early Years team work with parents and professionals to ensure we are providing the best opportunities for learning for the children and strategies are in place to support those children with additional needs.

We work closely with parents, to discuss and understand their child’s needs and seek advice when needed from professionals and outside agencies to support teachers.

SEND children are observed closely and their achievements are celebrated in their Learning Journal and planning documents. This information is then used to tailor the curriculum to meet the interests and enthusiasms of each child using methods of delivery that are appropriate to their needs. If there is ever evidence that this is not occurring the SENCO will initiate training to challenge staff and enable them to provide a curriculum that ensures equality and diversity for all.

Children with SEND are supported in a variety of ways – through one to one support, group activities or whole key worker tasks. Staff are trained on supporting your child’s needs to ensure progression in their learning.

If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements please contact the school.