Parent Letter – Use of Chromebooks
7 January 2021
To all parents and carers at
Ebor Academy Trust schools
Dear Parent/Carer
Use of Chromebooks for remote learning
In the previous lockdown, remote education was very much in its infancy as we all got to grips with different ways of delivering education. This time around, however, we can literally use the lessons learned to provide quality education remotely.
In October last year, it became law that schools had a statutory duty to be able to deliver high standards of remote learning as necessary.
Where possible we have loaned Chromebooks to pupils to facilitate this learning. We are in the early stages of the new national lockdown but already it has been disappointing to note that some children have yet to access their learning through their Chromebook.
On behalf of all our schools, can I ask parents and carers to make sure their children are making full use of the devices and that work set for them is being done to the best of their ability. We know some children need more encouragement than others and we accept it is an added burden of responsibility at a difficult time for us all. But it is crucial that we try to minimise the disruption to education. The government has repeatedly said that the education of our children is a top priority and it has been a “last resort” to have to close schools to all but certain groups to try and contain the virus.
Please telephone or email your school directly if there are ways where you feel more support is needed. At primary level, there is a requirement for three hours of quality teaching and learning per day (five hours at secondary phase) and we must insist all learners should take part in what is being offered.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Gail Brown
Chief Executive and Executive Headteacher