Here Comes the Sun!
This year all of our exciting connected learning is inspired by songs by the fabulous band ‘The Beatles’! Our final theme of the year is: ‘Here Comes the Sun’.
In Early Years, the children will be looking at the theme of ‘Under the Sea’. All the children will be learning some different sea creatures and some key vocabulary linked to this topic! Reception will also be encountering some Pirates before diving underwater! The children will be busy making, singing, acting and role playing life underwater and discovering this habitat. We are looking forward to finishing this year and the topic with a family trip to the seaside, to use some of the knowledge we have gained and be inspired with new seaside ideas, all whilst spending time with our friends and families!
Year 1 and 2
In Key Stage One we will revisit previous learning about plants and learn new knowledge about plants we have in our local area and how plants grow and stay healthy. In history, we will explore seaside holidays in the past, learning about the differences between then and now. Through our class books, we will explore places with hotter climates and compare the country of Mali, in Africa, with England. We will also be using textiles to design, make and evaluate a puppet! By exploring stories, we will find out what we can learn from sacred books and we will apply our knowledge of algorithms to create simple programmes. Finally, in PSHE, we will learn about how to stay safe in a number of different situations including at the beach.
Year 3 and 4
In Years 3 and 4, we will be revisiting and consolidating our learning about Ancient Greece and we will be finding out about the legacy of the Greeks, including the Olympic games. In Science we will gain new knowledge about vertebrates and invertebrates and will apply our knowledge of classification. We will learn about where our food comes from during our ‘Countryside Day’ in Harrogate and we will find out about nutrition. Our class novel, Kensuke’s Kingdom, will take us to a desert island and will provide the context for extending our geography skills by learning about the equator, hemispheres and tropics. In DT we will design and make mechanisms using levers and linkages and in computing we will build on our knowledge of algorithms to develop sequences when programming. In RE Y3 will learn about important people who inspire Christians and Year 4 will be comparing Christianity and Humanism. Keeping safe in a familiar and unfamiliar environment will be our focus in PSHE and Year 4 will also learn about how to use medicines safely.
Year 5 and 6
Within our here comes the sun learning theme, we will be revisiting the importance of water (and other nutrients), especially in warm weather and how this is transported around the body. In computing, we will be exploring how information travels within computer networks and the internet. We will apply this understanding to further compare computer networks to the human body (and how it carries nutrients). In Geography, we will be comparing a seaside beach (Filey) to the Sahara desert, thinking about human and physical characteristics. We will be using Cams in DT to create moving seaside attractions. Our RE learning will focus on the life lessons and what religion says to us when life gets hard. Finally, in PSHE, we will be learning about how bodies change as we get older.
Our learning will be celebrated during our showcase and INSPIRE sessions shared with parents and governors. We are looking forward to our Jubilee party too!