Be Our Guest
This year all of our exciting connected learning is inspired by songs from Disney films and musicals! Our first theme of the year is: ‘Be Our Guest’.
In Early Years, the children explored themselves and their families. From Tiny Steps to Reception, they explored what they looked like, their similarities and differences and how everyone had different families. We celebrated our uniqueness and made self portraits of ourselves. We even started to explore our local area and that we live in York! Reception even got their first trip to cook school – where they made biscuits to look like themselves!The children also spent this time settling into new routines, classes and learning their new environments!
Year 1 and 2
Our first topic reminds us how lucky we are to have such a wonderful place that we belong. We will visit our class streets and key landmarks in our beautiful City before creating images in the style of artist Paul Klee. We will learn about the four countries of the UK, including the capital cities and surrounding seas. In History and through our class books, we will explore how communication has changed over time and we will learn how we can stay safe online. Through our PSHE time in the HUB we will explore families and friendships and we will also learn how humans can keep healthy!
Year 3 and 4
Our first topic is ‘Be our Guest ‘. We will be thinking of what makes us proud about our school, local area and city and about what makes a family. We will learn in PSHE about how to have positive friendships and in computing we will learn to recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour online. We will be learning about how York was once part of the Roman Empire and will find out what the impact of Julius Caesar’s invasion of Britain was. Our class novel. Escape from Pompeii, will take us back in time and teach us about this significant event. In art, we will develop our collaging skills by making mosaics. In science we will be learning about teeth, the digestive system and food chains. In RE year 3 will be finding out what it means to be a Christian in Britain today and Year4 will learn about what it means to be a Hindu.
Year 5 and 6
Throughout our Be Our Guest, topic we will look back at the time of the Anglo Saxons and their impact on our lives today including their stay in Eoforwic. As we start a new school year, in PSHE we will be thinking about the relationships that influence our lives and most importantly recognising the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy relationship. In art, we will develop an understanding of the different combinations of pattern, tone and shape within our Kurt Schwitter;s inspired portraits. In computing we will be identifying our digital footprint and the impact we can have on the digital world including how plagiarism can affect our lives. Finally, in RE Year 5 will be beginning to understand why some people think God exists and Year 6 will be comparing how different religions express their beliefs.
Our learning will be celebrated during our showcase and INSPIRE sessions shared with parents and governors.