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A Whole New World

This year all of our exciting connected learning is inspired by songs from Disney films and musicals! This half term our theme is, ‘A Whole New World’. 


In Early Years, the children are exploring the world around them through stories, food and landmarks! The children are heading to different countries to learn about their culture, compare lifestyles with their own and explore buildings and wildlife there. We have been tasting flavours of the world with baguettes, chapatis and bagels! The children will then broaden their knowledge of transport and how to get to different places!

Year 1 and 2

This half term, Key Stage One are learning all about how to care for each other and the world. Inspired by abstract artist Ana Maria Endulescu, we will develop our painting skills, exploring colour, line and tone and paint our very own ‘Garden of Happiness’. In Science, we are building our knowledge of plants and will learn the best conditions for them to grow. We will also be learning about the weather patterns of the UK and the religion of Islam. Our class books are ‘The Secret Sky Garden’ by Linda Sarah and Fiona Lumbers and ‘Planet Awesome’ by Stacey McAnulty.



Year 3 and 4

The inspiration for our topic this half term is ‘The Story of the Blue Planet’ by Andri Snaer Magnason. In art we are studying Cubism and will be creating our own still life pictures in this style inspired by Picasso and Gris.  We are learning about the early Islamic civilisation and making comparisons with what life was like in Europe at the same time.


In science we are investigating how sound travels and how sounds can be changed. We are thinking about what it means to belong to a community and will be  designing the ideal community we would like to live in. Year 3 is learning about why the Bible is important to Christians and Year 4 is finding out what it means to be a Christian in Britain today. Year 3 will be collecting and presenting data in their computing lessons and Year 4 will be learning how to use the internet to collaborate and communicate.


Year 5 and 6

In Upper Key Stage 2, we are learning about Ancient Egypt, the famous discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb and questioning the impact that the Ancient Egyptian civilisation had on our lives today. This coincides with the inspiration for our topic the book Secrets of the Sun King. In Science we will be focusing on classifying all living things! From plants to animals to microorganisms, the children will be learning how all living things are classified and using the work of Carl Linnaeus to help them. Our art project will focus on Ancient Egyptian landscapes in the style of Melissa Loop; focusing on bold colours, tints, tones and hues. In computing, Year 5 will look at how to analyse data and draw conclusions and Year 6 will be discussion the real difference between the World Wide Web and the Internet. Finally, in RE Year 5’s big question looks at what is means to be a Muslim in modern day Britain and Year 6 continue to build on this by looking at Ahimsa, Grace and Ummah in the Muslim community.


Our learning will be celebrated during our showcase and INSPIRE sessions shared with parents and governors.





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