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Newsletter 1.5.20

A message from the Co-Heads of School…

We would like to say a huge thank you to all of our parents for working so hard to support their children’s learning from home – we know that it can be challenging whilst at the same time very rewarding.

We have now reached Week 6 of our lockdown and we hope that all families are well and are keeping safe. We are at the stage where it is so important to continue to look after all of our children and families. Within this unprecedented time, our thanks go out to the staff who are on a weekly basis contacting you and your child. Class teachers and the well-being and pastoral team continue to make weekly phone calls to help support children and families in anyway that they can. If we have not seen your child accessing the Google Classroom, Seesaw or any other online platform or communication, then it is our statutory duty of care to make contact with yourselves. Please answer and take our call to help us know that you and your children are well. The calls made from our class teachers will come up as either Private or Witheld – this is because many of our teachers are working from home when not working at school. Other calls to yourselves will show the school number. If there are days that you can not be contacted, please let the school know.

Thank you for your continued support.


A Time To Reflect

This week the children in school were given the opportunity to have quiet time to themselves. Marian Barella and Tasmin Nihill, who work for the Yo-Yo Trust provided school with Willowcreek Reflection Resources. These resources were displayed in our forest school for all children of different ages to access.


Our thanks go to YO-YO for their continued work and support with Haxby Road Primary Academy.


Resources to Support Schools and Parents

Please see the latest information from the EEF (Education Endowment Fund) to help schools and parents make the most of learning at home.

All resources have been designed to be used with schools, parents and carers to support home learning. They are free to use, all you have to do is download them. There are many resources that support home routines and reading at home.

You can access all of these resources by clicking on the link below:



Making the Most of Time Together

Keep positive and try out some of these fun ideas.

  • Balloon Tennis – bat balloons and try to keep them in the air
  • Home disco – Turn the music up , lights down and have a dance
  • Home cinema  – film and popcorn
  • Create a giant picture- use wallpaper, old magazines, wool, paints, crayons, anything to stick on.
  • Making Dens
  • Making Music with pots, pans, tins and jars (fill to different levels to change the sound)
  • Cooking together
  • Water play in the sink or the bath with bubbles and plastic containers
  • Good old fashioned board games and jigsaws
  • Teach them a new skill such as basic sewing


Try a Mindfulness Moment

Pick a window and spend a few minutes looking outside. Notice what’s happening. What colours, shapes, textures or patterns do you see? Do you notice anything new?

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