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This year our learning is divided by our three curriculum pillars. Our first term focuses on our heritage! Here is all the exciting learning that will take place in our first half term. 


In Early Years, the Reception children have begun exploring themselves and their local environment! We will be looking at our family and what makes us unique as well as where we live and what is around us. We will be reading the stories of ‘The Colour monster goes to school’ and ‘Only One You’ to develop our skills of friendship and kindness, as well as celebrating what makes us special. Nursery and Tiny Steps children are busy using this term to settle into their new classrooms and routines, as well as exploring themselves. All three classes will be sharing about their families with their friends!

Year 1 and 2

Key Stage One has already begun exploring our exciting class novel, ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dahl! We will visit our class streets, exploring our local area, and we are excited to learn about why Joseph Rowntree is famous in York! We are looking forward to meeting a chocolate specialist later in the term and we will also explore where chocolate comes from and how it is made in our local area. We are looking forward to visiting York’s Chocolate Story at the end of the half term too! In our creative project, we will explore self portraits, looking at the life and work of Frida Kahlo and in Science we will explore what makes us Human.




Year 3 and 4 

During our first topic we will be learning about our city and county and will compare Yorkshire to Bavaria. In Art we will be learning how David Hockney has  painted Yorkshire and will be creating our own landscapes. In Science, we will learn to recognise the characteristics of different animal classification groups and will research  how the lives of animals are affected by environmental changes. We will begin to learn about the Stone Age and in PSHE we will be thinking about what makes our families and friends special. In RE, Year 3 will be learning about what it means to be a Christian in Britain today and Year 4 will also be exploring Hinduism . In Computing we will be learning about how to keep safe online. 

Year 5 and 6

The children in Upper Key Stage two, will be exploring how crucial light is around the world and how light interacts with different objects. In computing, we will gain a deeper understanding of how the digital footprint we have and how this can positively and negatively impact your life along with understanding the consequences of plagiarism and copyright. In History, we will be focusing on our York Heritage by looking at the changes in England in the immediate aftermath of 1066 when Britain was under Norman rule. This will have a specific focus on castles including Clifford’s Tower. In art, we will be looking at the work of L.S. Lowry and creating our own landscapes which will focus on key urban areas of the city of York. Our RE learning will be focused around understanding why people believe in God and how it is best to express your faith and religion. Lastly, in PSHE the children will be gaining a deeper understanding of trust, commitment and marriage along with how to deal with conflict and the impact it can have.

Our learning will be celebrated during our showcase and INSPIRE sessions shared with parents and governors. During our ‘Cs the Day’ morning at the end of each half term, we will explore the attributes; Contribute, Create, Compete, Connect, Commit and Care through creative learning challenges. 


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