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Newsletter Friday 22nd May

Please click the link below to view the latest newsletter. Newsletter 22.05.15 Click the link below to listen to an audio version of this newsletter.

Newsletter Friday 1st May

Please click the link below to view the latest newsletter. Newsletter 1.05.15

Climbing Clifford’s Tower – Reception

On Friday our reception class went to visit Clifford’s Tower as part of our topic work. There were lots of steps to climb but once we got to the top we could see all across York City Centre. We looked out the windows where the arrows would have been fired from and even...

Terrific Teachers

                  Huge congratulations to the Haxby Road Primary Academy Swimathon team who swam 5 km on Sunday 19th April to raise funds for Marie Curie. Well done to Ms Duncan, Mrs Stock, Mrs Dale, Mrs Huggins and Ms Lightfoot....

Our fabulous trip to Flamingo Land

All of Year 1 and 2 went on a trip to Flamingo Land this week. We have been learning all about mammals and reptiles in our classes so we were really excited to see the animals in real life. We had a fabulous day seeing cheeky monkey’s, gracious giraffes, hungry hippos,...

Newsletter – 15th March

Please click the link below to view the latest newsletter. Newsletter – 15th March

Comic Relief 2015

Comic Relief this year was all about Making your Face Funny. Some of our Year 5 and 6’s joined in with children from all across York to make and record a version of the official Red Nose Day Song. Follow this link to see what we did. Funny Face Video On Friday we had a Tug...

Newsletter – Friday 27th February

Please click the link below to view this months newsletter. Newsletter -27.02.15