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Haxby School Logo

Haxby Road Primary Academy has a school uniform which can be purchased via the link below. The children wear a red sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo on it. A white or red t-shirt underneath and dark trousers or skirt. Fleeces, backpacks and book bags can also be purchased. Sensible black shoes should be worn.

(All uniform can be generic and any element of uniform can be bought from any retail outlet, as long as it follows the guidelines above).

Click on this link to purchase school uniform online.

For more information see the following: School Uniform Policy

PE kit

For PE your child will need a pair of black shorts, a white t shirt and plimsoles or trainers. As PE is outside in dry weather a pair of tracksuit bottoms or leggings would also be useful. These should be in a named bag.


Swimming kit

Children in Year 3 and 4 go swimming on a Monday morning as part of the curriculum and therefore need named and labelled kit (costume or shorts and towel in a bag).



We ask that children do not in general wear jewellery for school. If earrings are worn they should be studs only. Children will be asked to remove studs or cover them for PE.