School Update
Schools open only for vulnerable children and children of key workers
The Prime Minister has imposed new lockdown restrictions to combat the escalating Covid-19 crisis, which means all schools will now only be open for vulnerable children and children of key workers.
Education will be delivered by remote learning, online or through workbooks following principles outlined in Ebor Academy Trust’s Remote Teaching and Learning Policy, which you can read in our policies section at
The Prime Minister said the extent of this new lockdown will be reviewed regularly but it is not expected there will be a return to the classroom for all pupils until after the February half-term.
The education of your children, and their welfare, remains a top priority and we will do what we can to minimise the inevitable disruption. Where possible we will issue Chromebooks and chargers on a free loan basis to help with online learning at home. Please take care of these devices.
Schools will be in touch directly as more information becomes available and any immediate changes will be communicated by letter using our school’s usual communication channel and on the main Ebor website.