School Update – Year 3 Bubble Closure
19 October 2020
To parents and carers at
Haxby Road Primary Academy
Dear Parent/Carer
Regrettably, there has been another confirmed case of Covid-19 within our school and now some pupils in Year 3 have been asked to stay at home and self-isolate.
Our school remains open for other bubble groups and children in all other bubbles should continue to come to school as normal.
We have risk assessed and discussed the situation with public health officials and together we are satisfied any risk to other pupils has been minimised to a satisfactory level.
That particular bubble at school will reopen after the half-term holiday,
on 2 November.
We are implementing this period of self-isolation for them, in accordance with guidance, to break the chain of transmission and prevent others at our school from catching the virus.
There is no need for your child or anyone else in your household to be tested for Covid-19 at this time.
If your child starts to develop symptoms of Covid-19, they are eligible for a test which can be arranged via or by calling 119. Symptoms are a new persistent cough, a high temperature, or a change to their sense of taste or smell. Please advise school immediately if your child does develop symptoms. Children should not come to school with symptoms and should remain at home for at least ten days from when their symptoms appeared.
Please be reassured that the school continues to adhere to all government guidance in respect of preventative measures to suppress the virus and our risk assessment, which is reviewed regularly, is available on our website.
We know this is a worrying and stressful time for everyone. Please let us know if there is any way you feel we might be able to help you.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Gail Brown
Chief Executive and Executive Headteacher