Haxby Road News 21.6.19
A message from the Head of School…
I can’t believe there is only 4 weeks left until the end of the academic year. The children have been really busy this week completing their reading and maths challenges. Please make sure
you attend the parent’s consultation week to receive your child’s report and find out how well they are doing in school. We have lots of exciting events and trips planned for the next
few weeks. Please make sure to check Bloomz and facebook for information about this. This week Tiny Steps had a wonderful time visiting Piglets Farm and feeding the animals. They especially loved the tractor ride! Key stage 1 children went to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park and had an amazing time learning about the different animals. They have created some special memories,
which will last a lifetime. Miss Woodward
Attendance Update
Our School Target is 97%
This week our attendance was: 94.43%
The winners this week are… Nessgate
First Place: Nessgate with 96.71%
Second Place: Ousegate with 95.76%
Third Place: Fossgate with 95.61%
Next week will be the start of our summer attendance Raffle. Any child who has an attendance figure of 97% and no lates from the
17.6.2019-18.7.2019 will be entered into our attendance raffle.
1st Prize £25 Asda voucher
2nd Prize £10 Asda voucher
Plus lots of mini prizes.
Dates for calendar
Friday 21st June Key stage 2 Sports Day
Thursday 27th June 9.30am Reception and Key Stage 1 Sports Day
Friday 28th June School Closed for Training Day
Monday 1st July 1.30pm Laser quest for Key Stage 2
Friends of Haxby Road
Summer Fair 2019
Thanks to all who came to the Summer Fair – we raised a grand total of £922.27!!
We still have laserquest and the water fight to come, not to mention Treat Fridays and Sports day BBQs…watch this space!