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Haxby Road News 12.7.19

A message from the Head of School…
We would like to say a big thank you to all our parents and carers for attending parent’s consultation week and completing our questionnaire. In September we will share our results with
you and our next steps. This week the children have been on lots of exciting trips as part of our enriched curriculum. Nursery and Tiny Steps families went to Filey and had a lovely time in the warm weather. Our Year 6 children went on 3 memory days; Whitby, Dalby Forest and Energise. They even went in the cold sea at Whitby! I think they will certainly remember these experiences forever! Including the delicious fish and chips.    Miss Woodward

Attendance Update
Our School Target is 97%
This week our attendance was: 94.04%
The winners this week are…Micklegate
First Place: Micklegate with 99.03%
Second Place: Fossgate with 98.98%
Third Place: Stonegate

Congratulations to our Year 6 children 
The school would just like to congratulate all our Year 6 children on their wonderful achievements over the past year: you have worked so hard and we are all so proud of
you. You are truly amazing. On Tuesday we received our SATS results and we performed ABOVE the NATIONAL AVERAGE with the following % achieving the expected score:
91% Maths, 83% for Reading, 86% Writing

Combined score for Reading, Writing and Maths 83%

We are privileged to have known such a wonderful Year 6 Class. We wish them all the very best for the future.
Well done all of you!


Next week will be the start of our summer attendance Raffle. Any child who has an attendance figure of 97% and no lates from the 17.6.2019-18.7.2019 will be entered into
our attendance raffle.
1st Prize £25 Asda voucher
2nd Prize £10 Asda voucher
Plus lots of mini prizes.

Dates for your calendar
Thursday 18th July: Bun Sale
Friday 19th July: Year 6 leaver’s assembly and end of year assembly at 11.15am everyone is welcome.
Friday 19th July. School closes at 12.00 for the summer holidays.
Term Starts: Tuesday 4th September

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