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Haxby Road News 10.4.20

A message from the Co-Heads of School…

Our second week of learning takes us to letter B of the alphabet!  Children at home and at school have had a very busy week. Activities beginning with the letter B have ranged from: baking biscuits, banana buns, boogying, balancing, taking part in bug hunts and (Spanish) bear hunts, playing badminton, basketball, bowling and board games – our children certainly haven’t been bored this week!

Children learning at home have completed similar activities and have been posting their work on Seesaw for all their peers to see. Google Classroom has also seen many children working hard to complete tasks – children have particularly enjoyed the PE challenges and comments between peers on each others work have been very positive and supportive. Well done everyone!


Olympic Gymnast Max Whitlock

Olympic gymnast Max Whitlock is posting twice-weekly gymnastic workouts for you to do at home on Tuesdays and Fridays starting at 3.30pm. The first twenty minutes is aimed at Gymnastics for All followed by a more advanced session for squad gymnasts.

Here is the link to the YouTube channel where Max will be streaming his workouts, you will also be able to find his previous workouts here:

Max has also posted some great workouts on his twitter account @maxwhitlock1.

Mr Robinson


Home / School Communication     

This week your child’s teacher will contact all children and parents. The purpose behind this is to ensure that positive lines of communication are kept open for all families.

Our weekly phone calls will ensure that all pupils will receive the right support in terms of their continuity of education, well-being and care within their home /schooling environment.

Please accept calls showing a withheld number or our school number.

This website offers emotional health support for all.

Family Links the Centre for Emotional Health works remotely to support families in any way they can.


Trespassing on Railway Lines

Network Lines

Please allow your children to visit these websites to help raise the awareness of Railway Lines Safety

Primary school version: Age 7- 11


Family Matters

Parenting at times can be quite a challenge. Any parents wanting a little extra support can contact:




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