Haxby Road News 10.1.20
A message from the Co-Heads of School…
We would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year!
Our first week back to school, to begin the New Year has been extremely busy, showing that all our children have returned with a positive Growth Mindset.
The children in KS1 & KS2 have some exciting events planned linked with our whole school topic of “A Moment In Time.” They will get the chance to explore a Planetarium and we are expecting a very special call from Windsor Palace!
The Early Year’s children have come back to school full of energy and have been busy making their very own Stickman! Next week, they are looking forward to putting their cooking skills to the test, in order to make Stickmen Cookies.
We would like to wish our school choir the best of luck in their participation and attendance at the “Young Voices 2020 Concert” held at Sheffield Arena, on Monday 14th January. Over 2 million young people will be taking part in this concert and we as a school, believe passionately in inspiring the next generation to find their love for music.
Mrs Malster-Hinett & Mrs Winter
Job opportunities
Ebor Trust are currently looking to establish a bank of relief staff to work in various roles across the Trust. The vacancies are all live on the trust website. We currently have vacancies for Assistant Teachers at Haxby Road Primary Academy. Please see the link below for more information.
Catch Up Flu Clinic
We want to make you aware of the last catch up FLU clinic taking place in York. It is a DROP IN clinic at the Costa Coffee in Haxby, Ryedale Court Shopping Centre, YO32 3SA on Monday 20th January between 3.30-4.30pm. Parents can take their child/children along if they are still outstanding their flu vaccination. This will be the last clinic in York. Parents do not need an appointment, they can just turn up and they don’t need to bring anything with them.
Save The Children, Change The Future Appeal
This year we collected £56:10 for Save the Children, Change The Future Appeal
Thank you very much for your support. With your help, Save The Children will be able to help change a child’s life. Your donations will help children to grow up healthy and safe, and get an education, so they can grow up to be who they want to be.
Thank you.
Polite Reminder
Please can we remind all parents not to walk through school and take their child to the cloakroom or classroom. As of Monday, there will be a member of staff on each door who will be happy to record messages in a book and pass on to the class teacher. In addition to this, the Co-Heads of school will be on the main gate to also speak with parents. Thank you for your co-operation.
Building Work
You should have already received a letter regarding essential school building work. Classes affected by the building work will receive letters with more specific details for any alternative arrangements. Please be rest assured that your child’s quality of teaching learning will not be affected. However, we are expecting the work to take several months and during this time, the Community Café will not be available for use.
Special Request
Can anyone help? Does anyone have a spare pressure fit stair gate they no longer use? Or one that school can borrow for the duration of the school building work? If you can help please contact the school office. Thank you.
Attendance Update
Our School Target is 97%
This week our attendance was: 95.37%
The winners this week are…
First Place: Gillygate with 97.65%
Second Place: Stonegate with 97.08%
Third Place: Fossgate with 96.02%