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Children In Need 2020

On Friday 13th November, we all dressed in spots at school in support of Mental Health. The children took part in the Five to Thrive challenges.

Led by Joe Wicks, Dr Radha and Blue Peter, Five to Thrive was a unique program of wellbeing activities. Inspired by the 5 ways to Wellbeing, it was designed to help children feel better about themselves-as well as helping others.


Monday-Connect. The children learnt about the importance of connecting with others, building friendships and talking to other about their feelings. The children understand this helps to boost their mood, and feel happier and more positive.

Tuesday- Taking Notice. The children had time to think about and reflect on things in their own lives.




Wednesday- Get Active. The children completed lots of physical activities and challenges. They understand that moving our bodies can have a positive impact on our physical and mental wellbeing.

Thursday-Be curious. The children all tried new things and learning skills within their daily lessons. They know that learning new skills has a positive impact on their own wellbeing.

Friday- Give. The children discussed the importance of doing something nice for somebody else. They all agreed that doing something nice, not only makes someone else feel better but it is also good for their own wellbeing.

We raised a total of £130.

Thank you to everyone for supporting us on this day and your generous donations. Together we can change young lives.

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