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Urgent Update

Please follow this link for an urgent update referring to Nursery and Reception bubble closures. ParentLetter HRPA11October 

Remote Teaching and Learning Update

Dear Parents & Carers, Please see below for an update on our remote teaching and learning policy. There is also a breakdown of what we will offer in the event of different circumstances and a copy of some FAQs. HRPA NS26 – Remote Teaching and Learning Policy (V1 –...

Welcome Back

Please see the following link for some welcome back news and guidance from the Haxby Road team: Welcome Back 2020

Guide for Parents

We have had a fantastic first week back at Haxby Road and all of the children (and parents) have done amazingly well at adapting to the new procedures in school. For some more information about what returning to school has been like this week and will be for the forseeable, see...

York Mumbler Feedback – Thank You!

Please follow this link to see some amazing feedback about Haxby Road…. York Mumbler Feedback 2020 Thank you all parents and carers who provided the feedback! We are extremely proud to be part of the Haxby Road family. From everyone at Haxby, have a great summer.

Reading Together Day – Parental Support

10 top tips to encourage children to read in support of Reading Together Day To support the very first Reading Together Day, we have published tips for parents and carers of primary-aged children to help them encourage and support their children to read. They contain ideas on how...

Space Related Resources

Space related educational resources for home schooling The UK Space Agency has published a collection of space related educational resources that schools, parents and carers can use when teaching their children at home. The resources are available here:...

We ran around the world!

We ran around the world! We have now completed our challenge – and children and staff at our 24 schools have ‘ran around the world’. During the 31 days of May we walked, ran, cycled or wheeled over 44,000km, which allowed us to ‘travel’ across our planet. All the details of our...

Virtual Sports Week

We’re thrilled to bring you National School Sport Week at Home on 20-26 June. Virtually challenge your family and friends to sporting activities during a week-long celebration of sport and wellbeing. Sign up now